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Dr. Samantha Krause

Reconstructing Environmental Change in a Maya Agroecosystem

     Dr. Sam Krause is an assistant professor in the Geography department at Texas State University. She has experience in cultural and natural resource management in the American southwest, and is currently conducting geomorphological and geoarchaeological research in New Mexico, Texas, Central America, and the Mediterranean. Dr. Krause's recent work in wetlands along the Rio Bravo floodplain in Belize provide new evidence for widespread transformation of natural landscapes to managed agricultural systems, starting as early as c. 2100 BP, ending as late as c. 600 BP. This research is based on Lidar survey as well as excavation of anthropogenic features, and multiproxy evidence such as wetland stratigraphy and soil geomorphology, pollen, and geochemistry.



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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