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Alpha La as a Community

Alpha La is devoted to promoting the field of anthropology and recognizing outstanding academic achievement. We find that this is best done when our members are well-supported academically, socially, and professionally. That is why we are excited to announce three new services for our members!


Private Lectures

For the 2024-2025 academic year, we will be virtually hosting 4 lectures, 2 per semester. These lectures will be given by professionals in the field of anthropology who have been voted on by our members!



To support our members professionally, we will be implementing a workshop series. Individual workshops will cover topics such as C.V. building, applying for grants, how to choose and apply to grad schools, effective study methods, and more topics which will be decided by our members.


Grad-Undergrad Advisory

A brand new service we will be offering is peer mentorship between graduate students and undergraduate students. Undergraduates can schedule one-on-one time with graduate student members for tutoring, advice, mentorship, and more!

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